NEEDS Booth, shared with Energetics company, displayed in this event, the company smart milestone history, extending from the Digital Utility Concept to the Smart Utility Concept, introducing NEEDS Efficient and Smart Energy Program: SMARTi. Our team exposed to the visitors the company’s involvement in the Smart Meters and Smart Grid technologies, and described NEEDS SMARTi solutions and services, and readiness to operate from Jeddah and Riyadh offices, covering all aspects of NEEDS services and expertise. The projected demonstrations in the booth summarized the company’s on-going practice, the specifics of the smart metering project deployment, the SMARTi program, the smart grid development in the area and professional experience in Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy.
NEEDS Booth was visited by many local and international officials, utilities stakeholders, decision makers, industry professionals, delegate companies, professional experts, researcher/academic organizations, and practitioners in the field of Smart Grids, Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies, coming from various countries such as KSA, Egypt, Lebanon, France and USA.