NEEDS staffing strategy is unique compared to the engineering practice in the Middle East and Gulf regions, and is dictated by the challenges facing the achievement of the company's vision.
NEEDS major challenge was to position the "digital utility" as basic requirement for the success of the decision making community in advancing the regional utilities' business. This activity was done through large number of seminars, dialogues, symposiums with the decision makers. Moreover, the personal advisory services of NEEDS Chairman provided substantial added value in this direction. The academic and research background of the Chairman and his strong link with the professorial society at the American University of Beirut, MIT, and other institutions constitute the "think tank" reservoir for the successful continuation of this mission.

NEEDS senior staff is working closely with the senior technical and managerial local staff in the Gulf countries to provide high level of maturity and confidence in the potential success of the implementation of complex state-of-the-art technologies within the core utility business. The integration of key members of NEEDS staff with utility staffing structure resulted in a successful management in building the utility digital platform, and assuring the sharp diffusion and large scale usability of the data, applications, and systems associated with the digital technologies.

NEEDS engineering staff is heavily involved in the implementation of active projects and is working closely with number of International technology providers and business partners. In this direction, NEEDS had to create a regional professional community to support the adaptation and customization of the technology complexity for the specifics of the network industry, and the business culture in the region.